When GOD touched
my heart

I could only
say Yes!

When GOD touched
my heart

I could only
say Yes!

Read some of our stories!

Sr. Laura Holupchinski, P.E.S.
... When I asked the Lord the question, "When did I ever deserve such a gift?", this gift to be His alone, this gift to be a part of this family of Pro Ecclesia Sancta, despite my unworthiness, immediately I heard Him reassure me in my heart, "Never, but I have been waiting to give it to you from all eternity"...
Originally from MN
Religious sister since 2013 in final vows
Serving in Detroit, MI

Sr. Maddy Elking, P.E.S.
... And the Lord answered my prayer!! He brought me up to MN for a missionary program called Teach for Christ, which is how I met the Sisters. And When I met them I made the connection that I had prayed just a few months before telling Him to bring me to the sisters He wanted me to be a part of and it left me thinking, is this a joke?...
Originally from MO
Religious sister since 2019 in temporal vows
Serving in the Twin Cities, MN

Sr. Paola Zea, P.E.S.
I met the Lord when I was fifteen years old. From that moment, I fell in love. It was a love that impacted my heart and placed in it a concept that until then meant nothing to me: “holiness”...
Originally from Lima, Peru
Religious sister since 1992 in final vows.
Serving in Peru at the Motherhouse.

Our Life
The Sacred Heart of Jesus guides our life on a daily basis,
and the way that we are able to remain faithful to the promptings from Him, is to remain close to Him throughout the day. And because our hearts burn only for Him, we strive to always give more of ourselves for the greatest glory of God.

“God wants us to love Him with our whole being,
with all the energy that he gave us, with all that we are: with our whole soul, life, and blood!"

Helpful Resources
Discernment is a very special time to draw close to the Lord and offer yourself to Him freely and without conditions. You may be afraid of what He might ask of you, but this is an invitation to renew your trust in the One who never goes back on His promises. "He remains faithful, He cannot deny Himself, for who is Truth itself" (cf. 2 Timothy 2:13).
In the end, those called to religious life are called by the Lord. It is the path to holiness God has called us to. “He called to Himself those whom He desired; and they came to Him.” (cf. Mk 3:13)

"He called to him those He wanted, and they came to him" (Mark 3:13)